Happy Barn Owl approaches landing

Say hello to Cupid, an absolutely gorgeous two-year-old male Barn Owl. While I don’t really need any help finding raptors to photograph, this past weekend I took part in a workshop which allowed me the opportunity to get up close and personal with a few of them.

This was particularly exciting because it isn’t too often you get pictures of a Barn Owl, let alone get a chance to capture images like this. He flew many times and patiently posed while I and others snapped our shutters, giving us images from just about every angle imaginable.

Cupid is two years old and was captive bred for educational programs and he now serves as an ambassador for Wild Wings Environmental Education.

These medium-sized owls can be found across most of the globe, including the contiguous United States. They typically remain out of sight roosting in tree cavities, dense stands of trees and of course barns and other buildings.

A Barn Owl comes in for a landing in Denver, Colorado.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A Barn Owl comes in for a landing in Denver, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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