High-power launch

In looking for worthy photo subjects, sometimes you do a lot of driving for little return. Those days can be disappointing and maybe, just maybe, you get lucky at the end of your trip like I did when I found this gorgeous creature. I had spent a few hours out and on a weekend day last month and had little to show for my effort.

It was disappointing until, not 10 minutes from home, I spot this eagle on top of some very tall high tension power poles. A chance to salvage the photo day! Thankfully it worked out as the raptor gave me a fantastic launch and flyby series, this being one of the first of them as it took to the air.

A Bald Eagle takes to the skies as it launches from a high tension power pole in Thornton, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle takes to the skies as it launches from a high tension power pole in Thornton, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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