Young Bald Eagle on the hunt, returns with a meal

This was a rather fun encounter from early last month. This juvenile Bald Eagle was hanging out across the road from a small pond, clearly keeping an eye out for an opportunity to snag its breakfast. As I watched it, it focused its laser beam stare on the far side of the pond and took off at a furious pace. I captured an entire sequence of images as it launched and flew by. It’s chosen hunting ground was too far away for me to get pictures of it snagging its catch but with its meal firmly in its grasp it flew right back by me. The first image is of the raptor as it departed to hunt, the second is of it on its return trip with a small fish in its talons. Have a great weekend!

A juvenile Bald Eagle heads off to do some fishing in Longmont, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A juvenile Bald Eagle heads off to do some fishing in Longmont, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A juvenile Bald Eagle returns with a fish in its talons in Longmont, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A juvenile Bald Eagle returns with a fish in its talons in Longmont, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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