Intruder departs, keeping close watch on the homeowners as they return
A bald eagle with its wings spread wide takes flight against a beautiful blue sky. (© Tony’s Takes)

So, you think you found a nice tree overlooking a lake to perch in. You are enjoying a mild winter day and suddenly, you have the realization that you are in someone else’s territory. The clue? The residents are coming like a bat out of hell at you!

Such was the case with this beautiful eagle that dared to land in a tree near a nested pair’s home. I initially assumed this was the female from the nest but it soon became apparent that was not the case. As I was photographing her, she suddenly took off which afforded me some fantastic launch and departure shots, including this one. What I did not know was that coming directly from behind me were the homeowners, arriving fast to chase off the interloper. It was a fun scene to witness for sure.

Here, you get a great look at that impressive wingspan, beautifully lit by the morning light. I also love the way she is clearly watching the mated bald eagle pair as they fly in to chase her off.

Have a fantastic, #FreedomFriday!

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