Jailbreak! Bald eagle pair launches into action

Jailbreak! Bald eagle pair launches into action
A pair of bald eagles launches simultaneously. (© Tony’s Takes)

Whoohoo! Check out this fantastic couple! Sure, I would have preferred some blue sky behind them but I happily captured this scene this past Sunday.

In fact, the pair salvaged what had been a pretty dismal outing up to that point. While I was finding plenty of critters, they were just not being cooperative and I was getting frustrated. Getting desperate, I decided to swing by this nest site which actually is in a very public location adjacent to a highway.

The resident pair of bald eagles were hanging out in one of their favorite spots at the end of a stand of trees, posing perfectly. For more than a half hour I photographed them as they watched the traffic go by, giving me a ridiculous number of cool captures.

Finally, they decided it was time to stretch their wings and, thankfully, I was ready. I ended up with a nice double-launch sequence and then a bunch more in flight shots of the male (left) as he circled around. So much fun and definitely made my day. Have a fantastic weekend!

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