Juvenile Bald Eagle enjoys a picnic on the plains

On the menu for this young Bald Eagle was Prairie Dog, a staple for these big raptors when in the area. While they typically prefer fish, here in Colorado water sources are not very plentiful. As a result, you are more likely to find them dining on Prairie Dogs, rabbits, ducks and geese as anything aquatic.

In this case, the eagle had found a Prairie Dog colony that gave up one of its residents to satisfy the bird’s hunger. I arrived soon after it made the kill and was able to observe it devouring the rodent, something which it did in a few short minutes. ?

Scroll down to view the complete gallery of images of this gorgeous young raptor.

A juvenile Bald Eagle tears apart a prairie dog.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A juvenile Bald Eagle tears apart a prairie dog. (© Tony’s Takes)

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