Young ones of any species have much to learn as this young eagle demonstrated a couple of weeks ago.

I was observing an adult when this juvenile arrived, wanting to roost right nearby.  The branch it chose to try to land on was too small and weak for the big bird and was constantly flexing and bouncing, unable to sustain the weight.

Undeterred, the juvenile refused to give up trying for more than three minutes to get situated on the branch.  It couldn’t securely grasp the small branch and was having to constantly flap and rearrange in an attempt to stay on it.  It did eventually give up, launch into the air, and circle around to find a more appropriate perch.

The whole event was pretty funny – and interesting – to watch.  These are just a few of the images I captured of the sequence.  Taken at Cherry Creek State Park, Colorado, USA.

Scroll down to view the entire gallery from the event.

A juvenile Bald Eagle grasps a small branch in an attempt to land.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A juvenile Bald Eagle grasps a small branch in an attempt to land. (© Tony’s Takes)

This Post Has One Comment

  1. What a great sequence. Gotta give him an A for effort. Looks like a determined tightrope walker in some of these shots.

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