Juvenile bald eagles battle over a roost

Juvenile bald eagles battle over a roost

Juvenile bald eagles fight over a pole perch. (© Tony’s Takes)
Juvenile bald eagles fight over a pole perch. (© Tony’s Takes)

This past weekend I was surprised at the number of eagles I found on northeast of Denver. By now, they are usually getting pretty scarce as they head north for the summer but this year they seem to be lingering. I happened across this pair of young ones as they just couldn’t seem to get along. This sequence played out multiple times as 

Juvenile bald eagles fight over a pole perch. (© Tony’s Takes)
Juvenile bald eagles fight over a pole perch. (© Tony’s Takes)
Juvenile bald eagles fight over a pole perch. (© Tony’s Takes)
Juvenile bald eagles fight over a pole perch. (© Tony’s Takes)

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