Little rascal hunkers down, tries to hide

Little rascal hunkers down, tries to hide. Clearly though, I saw it and it saw me. 😉

For such a common type of wildlife, I found getting a good picture of a Raccoon to be a bit of a ‘white whale’ for me. In fact, not only could I not get a good picture, I struggled to even find them despite knowing of places they frequent.

My years’ long quest finally came to an end Saturday. My wife and I were out for a photo drive / hike and I decided to check a spot where I knew they had been spotted and sure enough, I found not only one but four of them! I don’t think they were particularly happy at have the attention of this paparazzi but the cute ones gave me some nice poses in the early morning light.

A Raccoon hunkers down and tries to hide from the camera. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Raccoon hunkers down and tries to hide from the camera. (© Tony’s Takes)

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