Stand out light morph juvenile Red Tail Hawk

Out for a drive after work today along a common route I take when I have time to look for raptors and I can across the gorgeous specimen.

Its predominantly white chest and head were striking and not something I had seen before in a hawk. Not being sure exactly what I had captured, I posted a query in a wildlife group.

The general consensus was a young light morph Red Tail. Other possibilities that were dismissed (but might not be wrong) are a Krider’s Hawk (this one is thought to be not white enough) or a Rough Legged Hawk (this one doesn’t have wrist bands and the feathers don’t go to the feet). No matter what it is, it is pretty unique and cool IMHO!

As always, comments are welcomed and sharing encouraged.


An unusual light morph Red Tailed Hawk north of Denver, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
An unusual light morph Red Tailed Hawk north of Denver, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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