I imagined the male (left) telling the female, “Look into my eyes, my darling,” as these two lovebirds interacted recently.

This pair of Bald Eagles was busy putting the finishing touches on their nest and working hard to ensure some new occupants come along in a couple months. Hopefully she will soon be sitting on the nest.

Bald Eagles usually lay two eggs per clutch with each usually laid a couple days apart. Then there is a 35 day incubation period. Once they hatch, the eaglets will grow very quickly and by the time they are six weeks old they are nearly as big as their parents. Seven to 10 weeks after that, they will take their first flights. Assuming all goes well, it should be a lot of fun to witness and document.

It is almost as if this mated pair of Bald Eagles was looking at each other lovingly. (© Tony’s Takes)
It is almost as if this mated pair of Bald Eagles was looking at each other lovingly. (© Tony’s Takes)

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