Male Northern Harrier guards its roadkill breakfast

A chance encounter with this Gray Ghost from back in December. Raptors are quite opportunistic and don’t mind taking advantage of another creature’s misfortune. Such was the case here with a rabbit that failed to make it across the road. The hawk got itself a meal out of the deal and didn’t have to exert any effort to get it.

You may recall this same hawk as one that I posted pictures of when it found itself under attack by another male harrier over the meal. That was a fun series of images you might want to check out here.

A male Northern Harrier jealously guards a dead rabbit it found on the road. (© Tony’s Takes)
A male Northern Harrier jealously guards a dead rabbit it found on the road. (© Tony’s Takes)
A male Northern Harrier jealously guards a dead rabbit it found on the road. (© Tony’s Takes)
A male Northern Harrier jealously guards a dead rabbit it found on the road. (© Tony’s Takes)

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