From a week or so ago. I thought my photo day had ended and was on my way home when I saw a large bird land in a tree by some irrigation ponds not far from where I live. Naturally I had to check it out and was pleased to find a pair of Osprey.
The female was enjoying a meal of freshly caught fish while the male looked on from an adjacent tree. Seeing his bride eating without him must have been too much to bear as soon he took flight and flew right up behind her, clearly intent on either snagging the fish or landing beside and trying to get it. At the last minute he rather wisely chose to change his plans and go catch his own meal.
This image shows him at the last minute as he pulled up and headed off. I’ve seen this pair a few times in the area since this spring and suspect they have a nest somewhere nearby. It won’t be long though and they will leave Colorado and head for warmer environs to the south for winter.