Bald eagle takes advantage of low tide

Bald eagle takes advantage of low tide

A bald eagle hangs out on the beach along the Homer Spit in Alaska. (© Tony’s Takes)
A bald eagle hangs out on the beach along the Homer Spit in Alaska. (© Tony’s Takes)

Taken in Homer, Alaska a couple weeks ago and a cool one for Freedom Friday.

While we have no shortage of bald eagles here in Colorado (at least in the winter), I was looking forward to seeing them in a different environment and in greater numbers in Alaska. Interestingly enough, that didn’t quite pan out.

While we did see them everywhere we went, they were one or two at a time – nothing like what I envisioned. I suspect that is due to the late summer time-frame but don’t know for sure.

This particular one is one of a mated pair that had a nest on the very end of the infamous Homer Spit. When the tide was out, they would leave their fledgling at home and hit the beach looking for whatever the receding waters left behind. This one happened to find a fish and was jealously guarding it from the gulls.

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