American robin tries to take on a red tailed hawk

American robin tries to take on a red tailed hawk
An American robin tries to take on a red tailed hawk in the air. (© Tony’s Takes)

A fun few images. I was photographing the hawk as it approached when suddenly, this little robin came out of nowhere. It was clearly not pleased with the raptor’s presence in its nesting area and came to escort it out of its territory.

The little bird never got any closer than shown in these images and I don’t think the hawk even knew it was there as you can tell it was quite focused on me. Fun to see and amazing how these little birds show no fear sometimes in taking on birds that are far bigger.

An American robin tries to take on a red tailed hawk in the air. (© Tony's Takes)
An American robin tries to take on a red tailed hawk in the air. (© Tony’s Takes)
An American robin tries to take on a red tailed hawk in the air. (© Tony's Takes)
An American robin tries to take on a red tailed hawk in the air. (© Tony’s Takes)

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