Male Osprey nails its landing

This the time of year when many of Colorado’s summertime residents start their journey south to warmer environs and the Osprey is one of those. Most have already left, a wise move given the taste of fall we have seen the last couple of days, as colder temperatures and wet conditions arrived.

These raptors have a very long migration as most will spend their summers along the coasts of Mexico and South America. In 2008, one Osprey was tracked making a 2,700 mile journey in 13 days from Massachusetts to French Guiana!

I spent quite a bit of time with a few different pair or these during the spring and summer and will be anxiously awaiting their return next year.

An Osprey comes in for a landing in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
An Osprey comes in for a landing in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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