Marmot does not look pleased about Monday

Perhaps reflecting most humans’ mood on the first day of the workweek, this Yellow-bellied Marmot does not look too pleased to have its picture taken.

Two weekends ago I had gone to the top of 14,264-foot-high Mount Evans in the hope of getting pictures of Mountain Goat kids. Unfortunately they chose to hide from me that day but the Marmots were quite plentiful and more than willing to pose for pictures.

Sometimes called a ‘rock chuck’, Marmots are actually members of the squirrel family. They are found above 6,500 feet in grassland, meadows and talus fields. Here in Colorado you are most likely to spot them above timberline sunning themselves on rocks.

A Yellow-bellied Marmot looks a bit grouchy near the top of Mount Evans, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Yellow-bellied Marmot looks a bit grouchy near the top of Mount Evans, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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