Marmot hanging out on the tundra

These little guys are busily fattening themselves up and stashing food for the coming winter. It has been unseasonably warm across much of Colorado in recent weeks but there are signs things are changing. A cold front moving through this weekend may deliver some snow to the residences of some of these high-altitude creatures.

Sometimes called a ‘rock chuck’, Yellow-bellied Marmots are actually members of the squirrel family. They are found above 6,500 feet in grassland, meadows and talus fields. Here in Colorado you are most likely to spot them above timberline sunning themselves on rocks.

A Yellow-bellied Marmot enjoys a quiet morning on the alpine tundra. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Yellow-bellied Marmot enjoys a quiet morning on the alpine tundra. (© Tony’s Takes)

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