Mom keeps close watch on her eaglet

A picture perfect scene for Mother’s Day today. I paid a visit to the nest you all have seen pictures of before and while the little guy / gal is still quite small, I did catch a few fleeting glimpses. It is about a month old now and clearly growing quite a bit although it is dwarfed by the deep nest.

Mama Bald Eagle has gotten comfortable standing outside the nest and did so for more than an hour at a time (boring for the photographer – haha). However, when a crow and a hawk got too close, she was fast to return to protect her pride and joy.

Here she checks on the little one on returning at one point. There is a lot of growing to go as the little eagle won’t fledge till it is about 12 weeks old which should, awesomely enough, about the 4th of July.

A female Bald Eagle checks on her eaglet at this nest in Jefferson County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A female Bald Eagle checks on her eaglet at this nest in Jefferson County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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