Mountain Goat kid kids around with the photographer

Oh, this little one. It was quite the entertainer for me back on the first of July at the top of Mount Evans. It and its mom and come to the top and I was doing my best to get some pictures of the kid. It however almost purposely seemed to evade my every move to get a clear shot.

Just as I would get in position, it would move itself around the side of a big boulder out of view. This went on for a while with me getting more and more annoyed. At one point when it was out of view, it stuck its head up above a boulder and I swear, it truly, purposely stuck its tongue out at me! Sigh. Some people’s kids! 😉

A shy Mountain Goat kid sticks its tongue out at the photographer.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A shy Mountain Goat kid sticks its tongue out at the photographer. (© Tony’s Takes)

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