Mule Deer buck sports his new velvet

Yet another sign of spring in the wildlife kingdom. Almost immediately after shedding their antlers in the winter, deer bucks begin growing their new ones. This handsome fellow had some nice, thick ones going already and judging by his size, he is one of the seniors of the area. He seemed to be rather proud of the new growth, tucking back his ears, raising his nose and giving me a nice view of the budding antlers.

Mule Deer are quite common across the western half of North America and can be found everywhere from the mountains to the plains. This particular one was out and about on the prairie northeast of Denver, Colorado this past Sunday morning following a late season snowfall.

A Mule Deer buck shows off his growing antlers.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A Mule Deer buck shows off his growing antlers. (© Tony’s Takes)

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