Neck rubs are good but also convenient when you can do it yourself

Neck rubs are good but also convenient when you can do it yourself. 😉

This Swainson’s Hawk was displaying its flexibility and the perks that it brings as it pulled its head back against its shoulders and gave itself a bit of a massage. Given what almost appears to be a smile on its face, it appears to enjoy it.

The hawk and its mate were hanging out on a very gloomy day last week and both spent an inordinate amount of time preening themselves. I waited for 20 minutes figuring they would do something different but they never did. Clearly they are two of the cleanest raptors on the Great Plains.

A Swainson's Hawk stretches backwards to scratch its neck and shoulders.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A Swainson’s Hawk stretches backwards to scratch its neck and shoulders. (© Tony’s Takes)

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