“Oh, great. You’re back.”
An osprey keeps close watch from its nest in Boulder County, Colorado. (Tony’s Takes)

That is what I imagined this beautiful osprey was thinking yesterday as it seemed to be a bit annoyed with me. 😉

Knowing these awesome raptors were returning to the Colorado Front Range for the season, I ventured out to try to get my first photos of the season of them. With how early it is, they were few and far between and usually too far away but this one was kind enough to give me some nice poses.

While it looks annoyed, it wasn’t really upset with my presence as it pretty much ignored me and continued its watch, undoubtedly awaiting the arrival of its mate.

Osprey can be found across much of North and South America, only staying year-round in Florida and the Baja California area. Winters are spent in South America and along the Gulf Coast while they summer in the northern third of North America. Some will migrate 5000 miles to their summer homes.

In the coming months I am sure I will have many more photo opportunities with them.

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