“Oh, no you don’t, little lady!”

“Oh, no you don’t, little lady!”
An elk bull races back to his harem to head off a defector. (© Tony’s Takes)

Not a great quality image due to the conditions at the time but a fun one that captures some of the action of the annual elk rut. This big boy had gathered himself up a really nice-sized harem of a couple dozen cows and calves. One pretty lady, however, was finding it hard to resist a nearby competitor bull’s bugle.

She kept testing, trying to see if she could escape. Each time, the bull would herd her back. On this attempt, she waited until he had moved off a ways to warn the other bull. She saw her chance and started to make a break for it but he was watching and returned, flying at Mach 1, to stop her escape.

You can’t fully appreciate just how fast these massive creatures can run if you have never seen it in person, but this gives you a sense of it.

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