“Ooh that smell! Can’t you smell that smell?”

Forgive me for borrowing a couple of lines from an old Lynyrd Skynyrd song but that is what came to mind when I saw this. 😉

This Bighorn Sheep ram was clearly in the mood and was non-stop chasing a ewe around the canyon. She was not showing any interest and at one point stopped running to relieve herself. The ram got a good whiff of it and made this face.

This is in fact a behavior called the flehmen response. Many mammals will do this, curling their lips, raising their head and inhaling deeply allowing them to get a better sampling of a particular smell that interests them – kind of like a human taking a big whiff to smell something.

A Bighorn Sheep ram displays the flehmen response after taking a whiff of a female. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bighorn Sheep ram displays the flehmen response after taking a whiff of a female. (© Tony’s Takes)

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