Osprey Dad delivers sushi to his mate and newborns

With two of his offspring for the season having been born just the day before and another arriving in a few hours, this male Osprey was ensuring his growing family was fed. He had caught this nice size fish at an area pond and then landed on a nearby pole with the meal. After having his fill and giving me some nice captures of it eating, he launched into the air and delivered the bulk of the meal to his mate and young ones.

The pair had four eggs and as of this morning three have hatched. Given that the most recent one hatched two days ago, it is likely the fourth egg failed but that isn’t too bad of a percentage for these birds at all. It will be a lot of fun watching them grow up! Taken on Monday in Longmont, Colorado.

A male Osprey carries a fish to its nest in Longmont, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A male Osprey carries a fish to its nest in Longmont, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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