
An American Badger cub plays a game of hide and seek with the photographer. Taken back in May with this little one’s mom had her den right near a road with great visibility. It was about time for the cubs to wake up and I was patiently waiting their appearance. This guy was the first to show but not without checking out his surroundings and making sure it was all clear.

The American Badger is a rarely seen creature found across the western and central United States, northern Mexico and southern Canada. Its preferred habitat includes grasslands where it can find it’s the prey it relies on to survive.

Carnivorous, the badger is part of the same family that includes the wolverine, ferret and weasel. It is ferocious in its hunting ability choosing snakes, prairie dogs, mice and other residents of plains-like areas where it lives. It is considered an endangered species in parts of Canada and a threatened species in some locations in the United States.

An American Badger cub cautiously peers out from its burrow on the Colorado plains. (© Tony’s Takes)

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