Love is being nose to nose with Mom

A bit early with what would be a cool pic for Mothers Day tomorrow but I was just flipping through older images and came across this one. Taken last May, these American Badger had her den in a great spot for viewing and provided me tons of photo opportunities of her and her cubs.

I’ve been watching the same spot this year but thus far haven’t seen them. Hopefully I will in the coming weeks but, it is pretty rare to see one at all so I am doubtful.

The American Badger is a rarely seen creature found across the western and central United States, northern Mexico and southern Canada. Its preferred habitat includes grasslands where it can find it’s the prey it relies on to survive. Carnivorous, the badger is part of the same family that includes the wolverine, ferret and weasel. It is ferocious in its hunting ability choosing snakes, prairie dogs, mice and other residents of plains-like areas where it lives. It is considered an endangered species in parts of Canada and a threatened species in some locations in the United States.

Love is being nose to nose with Mom
An American Badger sow and cub share a quiet moment. (© Tony’s Takes)

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