Nest building eagles

Out and about on a cool Saturday morning and visiting my recently found favorite pair of bald eagles in rural Adams County, Colorado.  I and my son watched them for a good while as they simply sat, warming themselves in the sun.

One takes off and seemed to fly away and we were thinking the show was about to end but in in reality it was just beginning.  The eagle circled back flying to a nearby tree.

Without stopping or missing a beat it grabs a branch in the tree and breaks it off with a loud crack.  Carrying its new-found nest material, the bird circled the nest as it trying to decide where it wanted it then came back and dropped it right on target while landing.  It was a very impressive display.

A bald eagle prepares to drop a newly found branch on its nest in Adams County. (© Tony's Takes)
A bald eagle prepares to drop a newly found branch on its nest in Adams County. (© Tony’s Takes)

Photo © Tony’s Takes. Image is available for purchase as a print or for digital use. Please don’t steal, my prices aren’t particularly expensive. For more information contact me here.

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