Profile of a juvenile Bald Eagle

Charlie as we have come to know him (or her), is a juvenile Bald Eagle that has been spending the winter near Denver International Airport. He can usually be found perched on a pole along one of the dirt roads in the area and is always willing to pose for pictures. The eagle is extraordinarily comfortable with people, looking at them more as a curiosity than a threat.

Yesterday I found our friend in one of his usual spots and was able to get a number of pics of him. It was a good thing too as yesterday’s photo outing was very disappointing. My first stop yielded only a few pictures and when I got to where Charlie was at, thick fog was lingering hours past when it was supposed to limiting opportunities. It won’t be long and Charlie will be heading north and I am definitely going to miss him.

Profile of a juvenile Bald Eagle. (© Tony’s Takes)
Profile of a juvenile Bald Eagle. (© Tony’s Takes)

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