Rare Snowy Owl pays a visit to suburbs of Denver

This guy (or gal) has caused quite a stir over the last couple of weeks. It was spotted right before Christmas northeast of Denver in a suburban park and lake area. Of course, once word got out, bird watchers and photographers soon descended. It is very rare for a Snowy Owl to come this far south so it wasn’t surprising to see the interest.

I have spent multiple days out there looking for it but on only one did I have any luck. It had nestled in among some tall grasses so I was never able to get a clear capture of the beautiful creature and the distance was hefty so these images are quite cropped.

At the end of my time with it, it did take off to an area further from the group that had gathered. By then the long shadows signifying the end of day had descended and the light was minimal so my flight shots were not good at all. Even if the pics aren’t the greatest, it was a treat to get to see this.

Rare Snowy Owl pays a visit to suburbs of Denver
A Snowy Owl keeps watch from the grasses or a suburban park near Denver, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Snowy Owl keeps watch from the grasses or a suburban park near Denver, Colorado.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A Snowy Owl keeps watch from the grasses or a suburban park near Denver, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Snowy Owl keeps watch from the grasses or a suburban park near Denver, Colorado.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A Snowy Owl keeps watch from the grasses or a suburban park near Denver, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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