Red fox curious about those two-legged creatures

Red fox curious about those two-legged creatures
A red fox tilts its head curiously at the humans watching it. (© Tony’s Takes)

So cute! I of course have seen dogs tilt their heads like this and foxes when listening for prey but this beautiful red one did it when trying to figure out the photographer standing on the hill above it.

My friend and I were watching it as it hunted a field, completely oblivious to our presence. As it worked its way closer, it had the sudden realization that it was not alone. It looked up the hill and seemed to be asking itself, “Where did those guys come from?” Of course it only took it a minute to realize it didn’t want to be that close and it darted off to different hunting grounds.

Hope you have a fantastic #FoxFriday!

A red fox tilts its head. (© Tony's Takes)
A red fox tilts its head. (© Tony’s Takes)
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