Red fox jumps up – and close

Red fox jumps up – and close
A red fox keeps watch from on top of a log. (© Tony’s Takes)

Well, this was a bit unexpected!

While photographing my favorite foxes this past weekend, one of them caught me entirely by surprise. I was doing my best to stay well-hidden behind a huge log and it was working great. They had walked by within 20 feet of me multiple times, usually having no idea I was there and never fully realizing a human was among them.

This one, however, definitely caught me off guard. They had disappeared into the thicket of trees and bushes and as I was trying to stay out of sight, I didn’t see this one emerge as my field of view was blocked by the log. Suddenly, it hopped up on the log, 10 feet or so from me!

From its view, I was into the early morning sun so it was having a hard time seeing me. I very, very slowly raised my camera and snapped off a sequence of shots as it surveyed its domain.

Thank goodness for the silent electronic shutter on my camera or it would certainly have heard me and ran off. The image itself isn’t particularly noteworthy as it was in the shadows making for tough conditions but the story behind it makes it much better.

Hope you have a fantastic #FoxFriday!

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