Red tailed hawk leaps into action

Red tailed hawk leaps into action
A red tailed hawk launches into the air. (© Tony’s Takes)

Red tails are the most common hawk we have here in Colorado but I don’t usually bother to photograph them. While they are pretty, they are a bit plain looking (don’t get mad at me – just my opinion – haha) plus they are usually quite skittish. Lately, however, I have photographed a number of them and they have given me some cool shots.

This one is from Christmas Eve morning. It was cloudy, cold and blustery so I was in no rush to venture out and did not want to go far. I decided to just check some local parks and open spaces which is where I found this one. With the wind, it wasn’t too inclined to flee so it gave me some nice poses. When it finally decided it was time to go, I was ready, capturing this cool launch shot.

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