Red tailed hawk shows off its catch, opts to dine in private

Red tailed hawk shows off its catch, opts to dine in private
A red tailed hawk shows off a vole it caught and was preparing to eat for breakfast. (© Tony’s Takes)

A fun, brief encounter with this very common raptor. These red tails have a nest that I oftentimes drive by but I rarely stop to take pictures as they are almost always reluctant to pose for pics.

As I went by this past weekend, one was standing on a light pole, bending over in a clear indication it had something to eat. That, I decided, was worth trying for.

Sure enough, the hawk had itself a nice little vole it was planning to eat for breakfast. It picked it up, showed it to me briefly, and is the norm for them, it took off to find someplace private to dine.

A red tailed hawk flies off with a vole it caught. (© Tony's Takes)
A red tailed hawk flies off with a vole it caught. (© Tony’s Takes)

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