Red Tailed Hawk waits out the fog and frost

Chilly temperatures, frost and thick fog yesterday morning had activity on the plains at a standstill. Driving around, if something was more than 30 feet from my truck I wasn’t going to see it.

Wildlife as well was hampered by the conditions with raptors staying put on their perches, waiting for the weather to clear. As things finally started to break, I came across this hawk huddled up on an old, rusted out windmill. The muted colors caused by the drab conditions make this image work for me.

A Red Tailed Hawk waits for the fog to clear while roosted on an old windmill on a farm in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Red Tailed Hawk waits for the fog to clear while roosted on an old windmill on a farm in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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