Red-winged Blackbird bully Red-tailed Hawk

A fun little bit of action here. The Blackbirds had staked out a marshy area as their own and when the hawk decided to patrol overhead, the littler birds were not shy about chasing off the raptor. It was cool to watch as the Blackbirds chased and dived at the hawk.

I’ve seen small birds be aggressive in defending their homes against raptors, Kingbirds and Crows are infamous for this, but this was the first time I have seen Red-winged Blackbirds do it.

A Red-tailed Hawk is chased by Red-winged Blackbirds. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Red-tailed Hawk is chased by Red-winged Blackbirds. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Red-tailed Hawk is chased by Red-winged Blackbirds. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Red-tailed Hawk is chased by Red-winged Blackbirds. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Red-tailed Hawk is chased by Red-winged Blackbirds. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Red-tailed Hawk is chased by Red-winged Blackbirds. (© Tony’s Takes)

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