Returning home with fish for the family

Returning home with fish for the family

A bald eagle returns to its nest with a fish for the family. (© Tony’s Takes)
A bald eagle returns to its nest with a fish for the family. (© Tony’s Takes)

Another capture from last weekend’s visit with my bald eagle friends.

Here, mom returns to the nest with a nice fish for everyone to enjoy. While she fed the little one, dad stood by tall and proud, keeping guard.

It is such a privilege to spend time with this trio this spring and I am looking forward to more visits in the coming weeks. The eaglet shouldn’t fledge until toward the end of June / first part of July.

A bald eagle returns to its nest with a fish for the family. (© Tony’s Takes)
A bald eagle returns to its nest with a fish for the family. (© Tony’s Takes)

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