Snow geese migrating through

Snow geese migrating through

Snow geese in the skies over eastern Colorado as they migrate north. (© Tony’s Takes)
Snow geese in the skies over eastern Colorado as they migrate north. (© Tony’s Takes)

Out for my photo drive Sunday, I saw a huge flock of white birds coming toward me. Training my lens on them, I saw that they were snow geese.

This is the time of year they migrate through Colorado so it wasn’t surprising. There had to have been 80+ of them so it was pretty neat.

Unfortunately they didn’t land where I could see them but I got some nice captures of their formation. They will eventually make their way to the far northern reaches of Canada and Alaska for breeding season.

Snow geese in the skies over eastern Colorado as they migrate north. (© Tony’s Takes)
Snow geese in the skies over eastern Colorado as they migrate north. (© Tony’s Takes)
Snow geese in the skies over eastern Colorado as they migrate north. (© Tony’s Takes)
Snow geese in the skies over eastern Colorado as they migrate north. (© Tony’s Takes)

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