Some not-so-wild geese

I went on a rather lengthy excursion to northeastern Colorado on Saturday in the hopes of finding something new to photograph. Well, I did, but not quite what I had hoped.

At a rural city park I came across some unusual looking geese and, having no idea what they were I was kind of excited. As it turns out, they were Emden and Swan geese, both domesticated or feral birds that someone at some point let loose into the wild. Bummer. They were kind of cool looking though.

FYI, the white ones are the Emden, the brown ones with the ‘bumps’ are Swan Geese. Taken in Fort Morgan, Colorado.  Scroll down to view the complete gallery.

Closeup of a domesticate / feral Emden Goose.  (© Tony’s Takes)
Closeup of a domesticate / feral Emden Goose. (© Tony’s Takes)

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