Squirrel finds a nut

Squirrel finds a nut

A squirrel hunts for a nut in the forest. (© Tony's Takes)
A squirrel hunts for a nut in the forest. (© Tony’s Takes)

The saying is, “even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.” This little guy was almost certainly not blind and it knew exactly where to dig to find that nut.

My wife and I were sitting at our campsite one evening last weekend. This squirrel hopped over to a spot under a nearby tree and began digging. Soon it had worked its way down a couple of inches below the top of the ground cover and then popped up with what looks like an acorn.

Pretty funny to watch and impressive how it seemed to know exactly where it had hidden the nut to begin with. Heck, if I put down my glasses I can’t remember where I put them 5 minutes ago.  😉

A squirrel hunts for a nut in the forest. (© Tony's Takes)
A squirrel hunts for a nut in the forest. (© Tony’s Takes)
A squirrel hunts for a nut in the forest. (© Tony's Takes)
A squirrel hunts for a nut in the forest. (© Tony’s Takes)
A squirrel hunts for a nut in the forest. (© Tony's Takes)
A squirrel hunts for a nut in the forest. (© Tony’s Takes)

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