Stampeding Bison on the Great Plains

Kind of a fun image taken this past weekend for Tatanka Tuesday.

The herd at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge near Denver, Colorado saw a boom in population this spring with more than a dozen new calves. Despite multiple attempts, the little ones were always too far off for me to get a decent look – until this day.

The herd was moving with purpose and with some patience, they came right up on me. I managed tons of pics of the little ones and their moms but this one is one of the more fun ones. For whatever reason, the herd decided to pick up the pace and took off running. It was very exciting – and somewhat intimidating – to hear the thunder of their hooves as they raced across the grassland.

Don’t let their massive size fool you, these beasts can move very fast when they want to. While there was “only” about 50 of them, it made it easy to imagine the days in the Old West when thousands would stage similar scenes.

American Bison stampede across the plains of Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
American Bison stampede across the plains of Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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