That is one big family!

I was trying to decide what to post a picture of this morning, trying to keep an eye toward a creature I hadn’t posted in a while. Burrowing Owls were what I settled on and while I have images of these cool little ones that are far better, I remembered this one.

Taken back at the end of June, it shows more Burrowing Owls in a single picture than I have ever seen – one adult and nine young ones! I had never seen so many at a single burrow, usually finding four or five at a time. They can have clutches from two to 12 so this family was at the upper end of the spectrum.

A very large family of Burrowing Owls northeast of Denver, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A very large family of Burrowing Owls northeast of Denver, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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