That look!

That look!

A female bald eagle looks down with a very serious look. (© Tony’s Takes)
A female bald eagle looks down with a very serious look. (© Tony’s Takes)

Between that and the fist she was making, I think she wanted to punch me. 😀

A very fun encounter with this pretty lady and her mate this past weekend. I spent an hour with the pair of bald eagles in an open space in Weld County, Colorado.

Soon, they got bored of me and flew off to some trees in a rural house’s backyard. I followed and much to my pleasure, the homeowner invited me onto their property to get a better look.

I shot bunches of pics of the pair but this one, as I was leaving (I had no choice but to walk directly under it to leave), is probably my favorite. So much character in it!

I did truly appreciate the person letting me intrude and will be dropping off some prints for them next time I am in the area – something I always do as a thank you when someone gives me a tip or the like about a critter that pans out.

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