“That’s close enough, bub!”

This Bald Eagle looks like he doesn’t appreciate my presence but in fact he proved to be one of the most tolerant eagles I have ever had the pleasure of spending time with. Taken last month, I came across it by chance while walking through St. Vrain State Park, Colorado. It had itself well-concealed within a tree and barely visible. Finally, it chose to move to a location where I could get decent pics. After sitting for a while again, it moved to another location. Then another. It couldn’t have cared less about me being there and I got more than my fill of pictures of it.

Have a great Freedom Friday and weekend, everyone!

A Bald Eagle at St Vrain State Park in Colorado looks to be a bit grumpy. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle at St Vrain State Park in Colorado looks to be a bit grumpy. (© Tony’s Takes)

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