Bald Eagle proves to be a great test subject

So I got me a new toy – a Sigma 150-600 Sport lens – and since receiving it Monday, hadn’t been able to test it out. Today after work I made a quick trip out north of Denver International Airport and found quite a few opportunities, including this handsome guy (or pretty gal).

It provided me lots of great poses to practice with and even some flight shots although shadows made those less than ideal. If you look close, you can see this bird is banded and in fact, in looking at other shots I took of it where the tag can be read, this is an eagle that I took pictures of last year in the exact same spot. Glad to have it back for the season!

A Bald Eagle strikes a regal pose in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle strikes a regal pose in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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