The business end of a Bald Eagle

Yup, I think those things would do some damage and I certainly would not want to be on the wrong side of them! 😉

One of my ‘friends’ was not too inclined to fly on this particular day due to some pretty strong winds. With him wanting to sit still so nicely, I was able to get a closeup of those amazing talons.

Bald Eagles are believed to have a grasp capable of exerting an astonishing 400psi. By comparison, the average human’s hand comes in around 20psi. Needless to say, when an eagle latches on to a rabbit, prairie dog or fish, the prey isn’t very likely to get away.

Closeup image of a Bald Eagle's talons. (© Tony’s Takes)
Closeup image of a Bald Eagle’s talons. (© Tony’s Takes)

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