Ring-billed gulls battle for the fish

Ring-billed gulls battle for the fish
A ring-billed gull chases another for a fish. (© Tony’s Takes)

I don’t normally take pics of these very common birds but sometimes they can put on a nice show. Taken back in February, a local pond was thawing out and revealing a bounty of frozen shad as it did. The area birds took notice and they were working hard at getting the fish out of the ice. When one was successful, a chase almost always ensued.

A ring-billed gull chases another for a fish. (© Tony's Takes)
A ring-billed gull chases another for a fish. (© Tony’s Takes)
A ring-billed gull tries to escape with its catch. (© Tony's Takes)
A ring-billed gull tries to escape with its catch. (© Tony’s Takes)

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