Let’s call it Mountain Goat Monday. The start of the week is always fraught with stress but this little one is sure to settle you down and have a calming effect. I mean, really, just look at that face!
Taken back on June 30, 2015, this Mountain Goat kid and its mom were enjoying an evening walk atop Logan Pass in Glacier National Park, Montana. The young one never strayed far from mom but couldn’t help but be a bit distracted by all the attention it was receiving, stopping every now and then to look at the people. This little one was only a little over a month or so old and it will continue to hang around with its mother for the next year or so.
Mountain Goats have a native range stretching from southern Alaska to the Rocky Mountains. The populations here in Colorado where I live are actually non-native, having been brought here in the middle of the 20th century as a tourist attraction.