Trio of American kestrels pose

Trio of American kestrels pose
Three American kestrels sit on top of a solar panel. (© Tony’s Takes)

I have captured images of two kestrels at a time before but never three – until now.

I recently learned of a very public location where some juvenile kestrels had recently fledged and were still hanging out near home. This past weekend I spent a good bit of time photographing them and their parents.

These little falcons never sit still for long and such was the case on this day. At one point though, I was able to get images of three of them sitting together. Two cooperated and gave me a nice look, the third, well, she ignored me. Haha.

The two on the left are females, a male is the one on the right. I am not entirely sure of the family dynamic at this spot as I saw at least five. American kestrels typically lay 4 to 5 eggs so I presume they are all one family.

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